Genie Backup Manager (GBM) has the ability to connect a network drive prior backup starts and disconnects it afterwards. This can be done as follows:
- Open your GBM software → Edit Previous Jobs → Select the backup job you need to do this with.
- Refer to step 4. Settings → More Settings… → Pre & Post Jobs Commands.
- In the new box that will appear, please:
- check the Enable Pre & Post Job Commands option.
- From the Event section, select the Pre-Data Confirmation Command option → Enable Command → Type the following command in the Command field, and enable the Wait until previous process ends option:
net use MappedDriveLetter: "UNC_PATH" PASSWORD /user:USERNAME
- From the Event section again, select the Post-Backup Command option → Enable Command → Type the following command in the Command field, and enable the Wait until previous process ends option:
net use MappedDriveLetter: /del /Y
- Click OK to save your pre and post commands.
- Save your changes to this backup job.
To connect/mount a network drive:
net use Z: "\\NSA\public\John" 12345678 /user:John@GENIELOCAL /persistent:no
- Z is the mapped drive letter.
- “\\NSA\public\John” is the UNC path of this mapped drive.
- 12345678 is the password for this mapped drive.
- John is the Username.
- @GENIELOCAL is the domain name for the current user. If your username is not registered in any organization domain, you can safely omit this part.
- /persistent:{yes | no} Controls the use of persistent network connections. The default is the setting used last. Deviceless connections are not persistent. Yes saves all connections as they are made, and restores them at next logon. No does not save the connection being made or subsequent connections. Existing connections are restored at the next logon. Use /delete to remove persistent connections.
And to disconnect/unmount that network drive silently:
net use Z: /delete /Y
The /Y switch is used to suppress the following warning message upon disconnecting that network drive:
“There are open files and/or incomplete directory searches pending on the connection to z:. Is it OK to continue disconnecting and force them closed? (Y/N)”
APPLIES TO: Genie Backup Manager (GBM) Pro and Server.