Introduction Genie Timeline (GTL) provides a robust Disaster Recovery feature to perform system-level backups. This guide walks you through creating a Disaster Recovery backup, setting up a bootable disk, and restoring your system when needed. Step 1: Create the Disaster Recovery Backup Launch the Genie Timeline application on your computer. Hover over Manage Backup […]
Category: Genie Timeline (GTL)
What are the Backup Icon Markers?
The backup markers are dots on each file or folder icons protected by Genie Timeline (GTL). Backup Markers Indicators The latest version of the file is included in the backup. The file has been modified since the last backup. The file has not been backed up. The folder contents are partially or fully backed up. […]
What Does the Plugins Under Smart Selection in Genie Timeline Back Up?
Category: Disaster Recovery Backs up the entire C drive including the system files once a week by default. Category: Email Backs up the active .pst in Outlook: Outlook: Genie Timeline scans for Personal Folders Files (PST). Outlook Express: Backup email files for Outlook Express in all identities; (.dbx) files, and Windows Address book (.wab). […]
How to Install Genie Timeline Silently Via Command Line
To run the installation silently, use the following command in the CMD window: [GenieTimelineSetupFileName.exe] [/lang LANG_CODE_NUMBER] [/S] [/D=DIR_PATH] Where: GenieTimelineSetupFileName is the exact name of the setup file you have downloaded for Genie Timeline. /lang specifies the installation language. Omitting the parameter will install the Genie Timeline in the default language; English. LANG_CODE_NUMBER is the […]
How to Exclude Files From Disaster Recovery Backup in Genie Timeline
SYMPTOMS Genie Timeline (GTL) backs up files that you wish to be excluded in the Disaster Recovery backup. REASON Disaster Recovery does not follow the normal Auto-Exclude rules which you can find under Tools → Preferences. This is important to avoid excluding essential files for the full system restore by mistake. However, these rules […]
Genie Timeline Is Not Backing Up Outlook PST Files
SYMPTOMS The Outlook .PST file is not presented in the backup drive where Genie Timeline saves the data, even though it is included in the Data Selection of the Genie Timeline (GTL) software. RESOLUTION Genie Timeline (GTL) backs up Outlook PST file using Block Level Technology in which Genie Timeline divides the .PST file […]
Genie Timeline Disaster Recovery Screenshot Tour
This is the first screen of the Disaster Recovery wizard of Genie Timeline (GTL). Press the Start Disaster Recovery button to begin with the restore. If your backup is stored on the root folder of the drive, then Genie Timeline will be able to detect it. If not, please use the Browse for backup button […]
How Can I Retrieve My Lost License Key?
To do that, click here, type the email address which you used to finish your payment with in the blank field, and click Submit. You will shortly receive an email with all the licenses that you have purchased using the email you have submitted above.
How to Restore from an Old Backup
Caution! This is only for personal files restoration (Documents, photos, emails, etc). Avoid using this method to restore any system-related files, such as C:\Program Files, C:\Windows, etc. Doing so may affect your system consistency. SYMPTOMS Trying to restore from another backup that was created on another machine or at a previous time, but Genie Timeline […]
Email Notification Troubleshooting
Email notification enables users to receive emails to their inbox of the status of backups. To fix email notification problems, try the following steps: Check the email settings which you have provided to verify that they are correct. (Learn more) Check your firewall settings and make sure that it is not blocking received emails. Check […]